Sunday, October 25, 2009

Travelling Delay and Director's Study

I've been out town for the weekend. With limited Internet access and time this week's blog will be posting tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for your patience!

So then I got sick and I completely shut down Sunday. I return home to find out I have a mountain of school work to attend too.
First Director's Audition
Wednesday have my first real audition. Ill be auditioning 60+ actors and narrowing them down to a 2 person piece. The other 11 directors also have to cast 2 actors from that pool of 60 for their scene. All the scenes are from Sex, Lies, and Video Tape. The script is super bland but as an emotional piece there is tons of room for high director influence. It will be interesting to see how different everyone's project comes out even though we are all working with the same script.

Music Video Project
My current editing project is pretty interesting. We are getting random footage from where ever to make a 1min music video. Then we need to use that same footage to create another music video from an opposite genre. Aw, the transforming power of music!

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