Tuesday, September 29, 2009

CGC Grayfox on the visual medium

Good evening, readers!
In this blog I'll be sharing my thoughts and progress and adventures in:

My Master's Degree in Film and Television
My Competitive Gaming Experience

I'll be making ton's of student projects and soon a series of web shows for my degree. Find all about them on this blog! Take a look at my progress on the projects as a progess from idea to final product. In the world of competitive gaming, I'll be uploading video's and thoughts about the game I play casually and competitively. Gaming it a big part of my life and interestingly enough a big reason why I got into Film and Television; I wanted to tell stories and experiences like the games I grew up with told me. Subcribe, All media I produce on those catagories will be on this blog.

Ultimately there a huge parallels between what makes a good movie and a good video game. In this blog I'll be talking about my Film and Television - Directing studies and projects , my life and experiences as a competitive gamer and talking about the thin line between both mediums.

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